home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Bad Email Address
- Title seems to be blank or invalid
- you entered something incorrectly
- Validate your Email Address before you are allowed to post
- Access to this script is not allowed
- specified in this form is invalid
- program encountered an error
- CGI Timeout
- processing error
- sql error
- unsuccessful
- could not spider
- error 404
- error 400
- Socket Error
- Error: URL
- Fehler:
- no contents
- Erreur
- Error(s)
- Mandatory field(s) missing
- Error de validaci≤n de formulario
- no longer exists on this server
- You cannot add this URL
- this URL has already been submitted
- Category Does Not Exist
- page no longer exists
- page you have requested does not exist
- Your Browser sent a malformed request
- the document you requested was not found
- document you requested is not available
- Error 404
- 500 Error
- TCP Error:
- Error: Service
- Fout: URL
- url does not exist
- is not a valid URL
- is already in our database
- closed to new submissions
- Sorry. Not allowed.
- failed to modify
- too many URLs
- must complete all
- terribly wrong
- temporarily offline
- error occured
- service has been withdrawn
- Too many open files in system
- CGIwrap Error
- CGI Wrapper Error
- CGI Error
- Error has occurred
- Invalid Request
- is incorrect or not functioning
- bad request
- You forgot to enter
- was not added
- supplied an invalid catageory
- Please Try Again Later!
- category must be specified
- Some of the required entries are missing
- Invalid category for this site
- Comments has not been inserted
- 5 keywords are necessary
- Error Adding Resource
- You did not fill in from-url
- valor introducido demasiado largo para columna
- Ocurri? un error al dar de alta la pßgina
- Error: Datos en blanco.
- Faltan datos
- Invalid domain for engine.
- ERROR: No ha se±alado el nombre del grupo y subgrupo.
- Forma incompleta
- ERROR: Campo de Palabras Relacionadas vacio
- 400 Required field left blank
- Category (Missing)
- was not found on this server
- Es necesario especificar los datos: C≤digo Postal
- Por favor rellene todos los campos
- 403 No variable substitutions
- The specified CGI application misbehaved
- Can't open perl script
- server encountered an internal error
- Data Entry Error
- script has been disabled
- Le champ email doit être renseign?
- Site name entry is invalid
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- Web Linkôαé┼é╠ÿAæ▒ôoÿ^é═é▓ëôù╢é¡é╛é│éó
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- ôoÿ^é┼é½é▄é╣é±üB
- file not exist
- file_set open error.
- FREE-LINXôαé┼é╠ÿAæ▒ôoÿ^é═é▓ëôù╢é¡é╛é│éó.
- ôoÿ^é╡éµéñé╞é╡é╜étéqéké═è∙é╔ôoÿ^ì╧é▌é┼é╖üB
- ╘¡╥≥: ┴¼╜╙│¼╩▒
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- ╘¡╥≥: ╛▄╛°┴¼╜╙
- ê╠╨╨▓Θ╘âσe╒`
- ╘¡╥≥: ┴¼╜╙╩º░▄
- HTTP Error 404
- 404 Not Found
- Server Error
- CGI ┤φ╬≤
- HTTP ┤φ╬≤ 405
- Error Adding Resource
- ╘¡╥≥: ╥²╟µ▓╗╜╙╩▄╔╠╥╡/╔╠╬±╒╛╡π
- Method Not Allowed
- ╘¡╥≥: Winsock┤φ╬≤
- Category (Missing)
- Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
- An Error Has Occurred
- Error Diagnostic Information
- ¡∞ª]: ⌐┌╡┤│s▒╡
- ¡∞ª]: │s▒╡
- Il link non e' stato aggiunto per i seguenti errori.
- Category (Non pu? essere lasciato in bianco).
- Non hai inserito alcuni dati. Torna indietro e controlla.
- Manca un Campo Richiesto / Requested Field Missing.
- Per l'invio del FORM e` necessario riempire
- ERRORE: Chiavi di ricerca mancanti o di dimensione superiore a 95 car.
- Per favore, inserire un valore per la Localit? nell'indirizzo Abitazione.
- Premi il tasto Back del browser per ritornare nel modulo Registra.
- The following fields were left blank in your submission
- Empty report
- You don't have permission to access
- This object may be found ├ú└╗ ╝÷ └╓╜└┤╧┤┘
- ┤╘└╟ ╗τ└╠╞«╕ª ╡ε╖╧╟╧┤┬ ╡╡┴▀ ┤┘└╜░· ░░└║ ┐└╖∙░í ╣▀╗²╟╧┐┤╜└┤╧┤┘:
- ╕╕▒Γ└╧ (╡Ñ└╠┼═░í │╩╣½ ┼«┤╧┤┘: 3)
- ╛╞╖í ╟╫╕±└╗ ┤┘╜├╟╤╣° ╣┘╕ú░╘ └╘╖┬╟╧┐⌐ ┴╓╜╩╜├┐Σ!
- ╡ε╖╧┐í ╜╟╞╨╟╧┐┤╜└┤╧┤┘!!! ┴ª╕±, URL, ╛╞┤╧╕Θ ╝│╕φ║╬║╨┴▀ ║ⁿ┴°║╬║╨└╠ └╓╜└┤╧┤┘.
- ╞Σ└╠┴÷╕ª ╟Ñ╜├╟╥ ╝÷ ╛°╜└┤╧┤┘.
- ┐¼░ß╟╧╖┴┤┬ ╞Σ└╠┴÷┐í ╣«┴ª░í └╓╛ε ╟Ñ╜├╟╥ ╝÷ ╛°╜└┤╧┤┘.